As always, I like visiting the Yekatit hospital burn unit, but this time I am smitten with Selam, a 7-year-old angel. I met her about a month ago, and she is such a lovely, attractive, and powerful young girl. She got burned all over her body when her clothes caught fire while she was alone at home playing with matches. She rushed with the fire to her neighbor, and because she lives in a tiny town by derbreberhan, the procedure of transferring her from the village medical center to Yekatit took a while, so all of her wounds were infected, but she is a fighter. Her nurses all comment on how tough she is when they clean her wounds without using pain relievers. When I met her again after three weeks, her plastic surgery had gone well, she was recuperating nicely, and she had begun walking again. I was overjoyed and glad that we were able to pay for her medicine, which was less than $100 and makes a difference in her life. Her mother has returned to her hometown to give birth to her second child without her daughter or husband at her side, and she is grateful. I'll keep you up to date on Selam and her new brother! Until then, we should live to see people smile because we are a part of their lives. Thank you; I couldn't do it without you all.